表达各种情绪英文形容词, 让你有emotion时不再emo

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表达各种情绪英文形容词, 让你有emotion时不再emo

2024-07-12 13:09| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


表达各种情绪英文形容词, 有emotion时不再emo | 实用英文


本文目录 隐藏 1 ecstatic 2 outraged 3 homesick 4 flustered 5 gloomy 6 disillusioned 7 perplexed 8 astonished ecstatic 意思:极度兴奋或愉快的情绪,通常表现为异常高涨的情感。 例句: After months of hard work, she was ecstatic to receive the job offer from her dream company.


outraged 意思:感到极度愤怒或愤慨,通常是因为受到了侮辱、不公正对待或严重的冒犯。 例句: Upon discovering the deceitful actions of her colleague, she was outraged and immediately confronted them about their dishonesty.


homesick 意思:因离开熟悉的环境而感到思乡之情,通常表现为对家乡或亲人的思念。 例句:Living in a foreign land, he often felt homesick and found solace in photos of his family and hometown.


flustered 意思:因为紧张、慌乱或困惑而失去镇静,通常表现为手忙脚乱或言行失措。 例句:Running late for the important presentation, she became flustered and accidentally dropped her notes in the hallway.


gloomy 意思:感到沮丧、忧郁或心情低落,通常是因为情绪上的困扰或外界环境的压抑。 例句: The gloomy weather matched his somber mood as he mourned the loss of his beloved pet.


disillusioned 意思:感到幻想破灭,通常是因为对某种信仰、期望或理想的失望。 例句: Having once held high hopes for the new job, she grew disillusioned when she realized it lacked the opportunities she had expected.


perplexed 意思:因为困惑、迷惑或不理解而感到困扰,通常表现为思考良久仍无法理清头绪。 例句:Faced with the intricate puzzle, he was perplexed and sought help from his more experienced colleagues.


astonished 意思:因为惊讶、吃惊或震惊而感到目瞪口呆,通常是因为经历了超出预期的情况或信息。 例句:When he saw the magician make the rabbit disappear and reappear, he was utterly astonished by the incredible magic trick






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